What a year 2022 was for helleau® here’s the Short and simple®:


2022 saw helleau® grow from only having a Number One to also having a Number Two, despite doubling in size we’re still proud of being small. Neither Sophie nor Andrew is over 5’7″

Happy Clients

In 2022 we worked with a fantastically eclectic selection of clients, big and small, almost 30 of them in total, all of them we’d work with again, and all of them would work with us again; result.

Modules Designed & Delivered

helleau® continues to be involved in higher education with the design and delivery of modules for students. In 2022 we designed and delivered modules on Digital Marketing; Search Marketing; Social Media.


helleau® worked with two universities in 2022; Dundee and Stirling.

Naming Consultations

One of our great loves is helping to name brands, in 2022 we carried out 3 consultations to help find names which work.

Fun Had

We insist on having fun at work. You can’t really put a number on it, but it was a whole bunch of fun.

New Website

You’re looking at it, we think we did a decent job of it.


Of course a new hire meant a new set of photos, Andy Catlin is a genius, and fully fun to work with too.

Sophie and Andrew as shot by the amazing Andy Catlin

Clients Who Care

helleau® does not care about your race, gender, age, sexuality, or religious beliefs. We will not work for, or with, anyone who does. Short and simple® we only work with people who treat other people as equals.

Pro Bono Client

helleau® is very proud to have JustRight Scotland as a pro bono client, we will be taking on another pro bono client next year, if you think you might be a good fit, say helleau.


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